Tuesday, February 7, 2012

never too little, never too late

via pinterest.com

one of the most commonly asked questions on the internet about ballet is "am i too old to begin ballet?"

the short answer? no

the longer answer? depends. if you are aiming to be a prima ballerina with the royal ballet company, your chances are practically shot, if you are over the age of about twelve. there are many reasons for that, but the main one is based off the truth that most - if not all - the professional dancers in such a company begin lessons no later than six. there are few exceptions, but that said, there are exceptions. if you are a master figure skater or gymnast already, all hope isn't lost.

very rarely can all hope be lost; it is usually abandoned, cast to the side and forgotten about. left to die in a graveyard of the hopes of others, who have all certainly given up by now

if you've no intentions of joining a company, and just wish to dance to fulfill a dream, to become more fit, or get a hobby, it is never too late. i once met an ex-amish woman who took up adult ballet and bellydancing (i know some ...ah... very unusual people). as long as you are able to move with reasonable range of motion, and are not hooked up to an oxygen tank, you can absolutely begin ballet.

in fact you must. think of it; you never hear someone say that they wished they had never danced.

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